Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Paris, day 2

Because I love Art I couldn’t resist the visiting the Louvre. For me were only a few hours with some of the greatest pieces of the history of art, but wasn’t my first time at this museum, so… Was a great way to start the day!

After lunch we walk along Paris through its squares and streets. And to finish the day, we went to the Eiffel Tower and we took a boat trip along the Seine. What a wonderful day!

I was wearing a comfortable outfit, to walk around Paris for many hours. A basic T-shirt from Stradivarius, a nice skirt from Stradivarius and ballerinas and to give a touch of color, the necklace Pennys/Primark, I did not need more!

We would like to tell you that if you are in Dublin ...
This Friday's BIG event is Culture Night 2013 and the Android app and iPhone app are now ready for download. There are so many events That You Have to pre-plan your evening (17:00 to 23:00) a little. The View earlier you start the better. Printed Programmes are also available in town and a PDF is available on the website at

Como me encanta el arte, no pude resistir la visita al Museo del Louvre. Para mí sólo fueron unas horas con algunas de las mejores obras de la Historia del Arte, pero no era mi primera visita, asi que me conforme ... fue una gran manera de empezar el día!

Después del almuerzo caminamos a lo largo de Paris por sus plazas y calles. Y para terminar el día, fuimos a la Torre Eiffel y despues dimos un paseo en barco por el Sena. ¡Qué día tan maravilloso!

Yo llevaba un conjunto muy cómodo para andar por París durante muchas horas. Una camiseta básica de Stradivarius, una bonita falda de Stradivarius, bailarinas y para darle un toque de color, el collar Pennys/Primark, yo no necesitaba más!

Si estás en Dublín ...
Este viernes es Noche de la Cultura 2013 y la app para Android y iPhone ahora está listo para su descarga. Hay muchos eventos a los que se puede asistir entre las 17:00 a 23:00. Hay programas disponibles en la ciudad y en PDF 

t-shirt: Stradivarius (s/s 13)
skirt: Stradivarius (s/s 12)
bag: Mango (s/s 12)
Ballerinas: Zara


  1. Thank you so much.
    I really enjoy your blog, very feminine and cute. Love this outfit!
    Maybe we can follow each other :)
    Let me know if you want to.
    -xo, Milene from

  2. Lovely photos - I was in Paris recently too, it's such an inspiring city.
    Hope you enjoyed Culture Night!


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